MacGibbons Pictorial Drawing Book
- Price:
- £12.00
Item attributes
- 978-0-85347-007-6
- Published date:
- 8th edition 1978; reprinted 2016
Item details
The Pictorial Drawing Book was published originally to meet the requirements of the Marine Engineer's D.O.T. Examinations, at the time when pictorial views were first used for the test piece in drawing.
Like most examinations the standard has advanced considerably, and it now bears little resemblance to the requirements of a few years ago. For this reason more study and drawing practice is absolutely essential to ensure a pass mark.
The student who has had no drawing office experience and little, if any, instruction in technical drawing, may find the exercises in this book initially a bit daunting in view of the standard that is to be achieved in the comparatively short duration of a college course. By careful applications to the problems set, working initially in conjunction with the solutions, the student should quickly grasp the principles involved and in a short time should have no use for the solution except as a final comparison with his own attempt at the drawing set.
The book has been revised to give students an accurate set of papers which typify those set at the examination. The drawings are all in metric units.