Knotting & Splicing
There was a danger that much of the Fancy Work would be lost altogether. This book is an effort to preserve it. Of late years a false standard of ...
- Price:
- £12.95
The standard work on the subject, and largely used by all apprentices etc. Written by a seaman for seamen, it has a large sale. The rig of most ...
- Price:
- £5.50
In these days when so many beautiful things are mass produced it may seem a waste of energy to labour at a handicraft: but it should be borne in mind ...
- Price:
- £20.00
More than 50 different knots are included in this book. That number is largely made up of theme and variations on 25 or so specially chosen knots, to ...
- Price:
- £3.00
In recent years man-made materials have taken over almost completely from the natural fibres which have been used to make rope and all sizes of ...
- Price:
- £12.95
This book gathers descriptions of all kinds of rope splices into one volume. Only sufficient knotting and other supplementary information is included ...
- Price:
- £7.95
A fully illustrated work by a professional rigger, covering:- Tools Marline-Spike Knotting Serving Worming Parcel and Whippings Spunyarn ...
- Price:
- £9.00
Bibliographic Notes This is a thoroughly practical guide, dealing with the finer art of rigging and ropeworking so that the professional seaman or ...
- Price:
- £8.00
A description of Wire Splicing for the beginner to help him to become proficient in the art without personal practical instruction from a ...
- Price:
- £10.00
Covers the subject from the very elementary points. Contents: - Tools and materials Netting sizes and knots The Basic process Varying flat ...
- Price:
- £5.00