(Out of Print) - Open Learning for Yachtsmen - Book & CD
By J.B. Farrell
- Price:
- £0.00
Item attributes
- 978-0-9514184-0-6
- Published date:
- First published 1989
Item details
Suggested Replacement:
The Open Learning method of teaching has in the past 25 years become the main medium for programmed distance learning. Open Learning has been used with considerable success by the Open University for instruction at degree level courses, and now the Open College is developing Open Learning courses for technical training. With Open Learning for Yachtsmen we are applying the Open Learning principles to the training of the amateur seaman.
Course Structure
Open Learning for Yachtsmen is based on the RYA training syllabus for the Day Skipper Certificate and has been divided into three modules covering the following subjects:
- Module 1: Prevention of Collision Regulations and IALA Buoyage System.
Aims of the Course
This course is not intended as a substitute for practical hands-on training. It has been designed as an extension to the RYA shore based courses, which are at present mainly run through evening classes.
The course is intended, for amateur seamen who find that they are unable to attend an evening class or a club weekend course.
Teaching Materials
The teaching materials supplied for each module will be a text book with a supporting video programme.
The Text Book
The main instructional medium for each module will be the text book. The text book is divided into a number of lessons. Each lesson consisting of:
- A set of tutorial notes with explanatory exercises where necessary
- Self test questions and answers. The number of self test exercises in a lesson will depend on the depth of study required for the subject
- Tutor assessment paper
Video Programme
The video programme is designed to support the text book. The video programme is used to:
- Expand the main points in the tutorial notes
- To give practical demonstrations
- To develop points that are difficult to show in the written format
Whenever possible on location situations are used in the video presentation.
Tutorial Support
Each module can have the back-up of full tutorial support. This is obtainable on payment of a tutorial fee. On application for tutorial support a student will be given a study programme, with the following information:
- name and contact address of tutor
- the dates and time the tutor will be available for telephone consultations
- the dates by which the various tutor assessment papers for each lesson in the module should he returned
Tutorial support will only be given for a set period of time, if the student is unable to complete the module in the time allowed, he has then to apply for an extension to the tutorial support.
Module 1
The first module to be produced is:
- Module 1: Prevention of Collision Regulations and IALA Buoyage System
Study time: 64 hours
This module is now available from e.g. booksellers, yacht chandlers, and PROMAR Open Learning.
Module Structure
- This module has been divided into eight lessons.
- Lessons 1 to 7 deal exclusively with the Prevention of Collision Regulations.
- Lesson 8 details the IALA Buoyage System.
- Full tutorial support is available with this module.
Module Text Book
The text book has some 200 illustrations; the majority are in colour. All the navigation lights required by the Regulations to be shown by various sea going vessels/craft are given in coloured diagrams.
Lessons 1 to 7 Prevention of Collision Regulations
Each lesson covers a given number of Rules. Each lesson contains:
- text of each Rule.
- supporting tutorial notes explain the main points of the Rule and its application.
- set of self test questions, this enables the student to test his understanding of the Rule before proceeding to the next part of the lesson.
- at the end of each lesson a tutor's assessment paper, the questions in the assessment paper cover all the Rules in the lesson.
When designing this module it was decided to make the contents as practical as possible. To obtain this objective it was necessary to leave out most of the technical data given in the Annexes to the Regulations.
Lesson 8 Buoyage System
In this lesson all the buoys in the IALA Buoyage System are shown in full colour illustrations. The lesson details:
- Direction of Buoyage
- Lateral System
- Cardinal System
- Use of all other buoys in the IALA system.
Self test questions are set throughout the lesson and a Tutorial Assessment Paper given at the end of the lesson.
Video Programme
The Video Programme has been designed to support Lessons 1 to 6 in the text book. The video programme is divided into six lessons.
- An Introduction programme which supports Lesson 1 in the text book
- Lessons 2 to 6 in the video support the corresponding lessons in the text book
Directions are given at the beginning of each lesson in the text book when to view the video programme. To simulate the position and colour of the navigation lights, that vessels are required to show by the Regulations as seen from another vessel, computer graphic models have been used in Lessons 5 and 6 of this video.
The video is produced on CD