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West Highland Steamers

By G. E. Langmuir


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Published date:
First published 1935-4th edition 1987

Item details

When the first edition of this book appeared in 1935, it was noted that, although excellent volumes had been published dealing with British Coastal Vessels and Clyde Passenger and Pleasure Steamers, the ground covered by it had not been explored before.

The intention at that time was to record every ship in the Hutcheson/ MacBrayne fleet from 1851, and this has now been extended to include the earlier constituent fleets, and to bring the history down to 1987.  Included are the fleets of various other owners, who have operated from time to time in the West Highlands. Fleet-lists in tabular form give the principal particulars of most of the vessels.

Those of all ages who can recall happy holidays spent in the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and those to whom this is a pleasure still to come, will find much of interest in this book, if they regard the present and past ships employed in these regions as something more than mere floating contrivances to convey them and their vehicles from place to place.

The book is 220 X 140 mm., containing 287 pages including the comprehensive bibliography and index, with 69 monochrome illustrations and 32 in colour, together with a coloured frontispiece. The jacket shows on the front the well-known red funnel (as on the first and second editions) and on the back a picture of the authors.