45 Feet Motor Picket Boat - Longitudinal Section, Cross Sections at Various Points and Plant Layout for Working Models
By Harold A. Underhill, A.M.I.E.S.
- Price:
- £13.50
Item attributes
- n/a
Item details
Plan: 924
Scale: ¾” = 1’0”
The modern Naval Picket Boat makes an extremely pleasing model and being relatively small, means that a large scale can be used resulting in very complete detail. The hull is of the hard chine type suitable for composite plywood construction.
The following drawings are to 3/4" scale and very fully detailed, including internal furnishings, so offering plenty of scope for the real craftsman. For working models the motor is installed in the actual engine-room and the accumulator carried between the seats of the covered cockpit, where it is out of sight in use yet instantly removable.
With the accumulator out and the electrical leads below the cockpit floor, the model becomes a perfect A' scale showcase model, completely fitted and furnished both inside and out and no power plant visible.
Plans in this series: 922 923 924
Construction help: Plank-On-Frame Models Vol I Plank-On-Frame Models Vol II
Catalogues: Sailing Ships Powered Craft