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Brazilian Training Ship "Almirante Saldanha" - Mast & Rigging Details, Belaying-Pin, Diagram & Table

By Harold A. Underhill, A.M.I.E.S.


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Item details

Plan: 1126

Scale: ⅟₁₀” – 1’0” (Length of hull 32½“)

Almirante Saldanha was built at Barrow-in-Furness in 1933 and is one of the most up-to-date ships of her kind.  She has a displacement of 3,315 tons, carries all the most modern equipment, and has many unusual features which make her a very interesting vessel, particularly to the model builder.

At first sight she would appear to be a flush-decked ship, but in fact she has a large open well midships with only narrow gangways along the ship’s sides, rather like those of the old sailing frigate.  In this well there is a large house with its top level with the ship’s side, saluting guns, torpedo tube, mine-laying gear and other small fittings.  She is of course an auxiliary, and the exhausts from her various motors, as well as the up-take from a small steam boiler, are carried alongside the mainmast.

On top of the house is the wheelhouse and navigating bridge, as well as searchlights, radar and other gear.  The majority of the boats are also carried above this house.  The gear on the poop and fo’c’sle includes twin 4-inch guns mounted in shields fore and aft, anti-aircraft guns, windlass and many other fittings, with the after control-position just forward of the jigger, a lay-out which offers plenty of scope for the modeller who appreciates detail.

The rig includes many unusual features, all of which are detailed on the plans, together with a complete belaying-pin diagram and table, in fact the drawings include all the information necessary for a fully detailed model of a vessel which is of outstanding interest and rather away from the normal run of sailing ships.

Plans in this series: 1122  1123  1124  1125  1126

Construction help: Plank-On-Frame Models Vol I  Plank-On-Frame Models Vol II

Guide to Masts and Spars: Details of Masts and Spars, plan 29

Catalogues: Sailing Ships  Powered Craft